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girod3454 has unlocked a badgeFirst Lexia Academy Course
Awarded once a user has completed their first Lexia Academy course
tfeeser has unlocked a badgeFirst Lexia Academy Course
Awarded once a user has completed their first Lexia Academy course
Addie has unlocked a badgeFirst Post
For each user who has successfully started a Topic of conversation.
Kari B has unlocked a badgeMarch 2025 Challenge
Awarded to users who have successfully completed the tasks in March's monthly challenge
JoanD has unlocked a badgeFirst Lexia Academy Course
Awarded once a user has completed their first Lexia Academy course
Kittles has unlocked a badgeFirst Lexia Academy Course
Awarded once a user has completed their first Lexia Academy course
Andrea T has unlocked a badgeCommunity Influencer
Awarded to members who positively influence the growth and development of the community!
MReedy has unlocked a badgeCommunity Influencer
Awarded to members who positively influence the growth and development of the community!
SCoake has unlocked a badgeFirst Lexia Academy Course
Awarded once a user has completed their first Lexia Academy course
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